Guide for Incoming Freshmen: How to get involved?

Michelle Hopkins, Class of 2024, Contributor

Getting involved in school clubs and sports can be very difficult for some people, especially if you like to keep to yourself. I was (and kind of still am) the same way so I’m here to help out!

My freshman year of high school was virtual so there weren’t many opportunities for me to get involved in school activities since I wasn’t being exposed to it. Then during my sophomore year, I still wasn’t very aware of ways to get involved and I didn’t know where to look or who to ask. 

Getting involved in school can be difficult when you don’t really know anybody or what anybody else does. I also wasn’t very sure of my interests at the time. However, my sophomore year was also the year the dance team became a thing, and since I’ve danced for a while I decided to join. I also joined the yearbook club for a little bit but it didn’t fit my schedule at the time. 

Now that I am a junior and have been here for three whole years, I know more about how to get involved and how to stay involved. My advice is to really think about what you’re interested in or what you think you’d be interested in. If you’re interested in dance then try out for the dance team. If you’ve never done basketball before but you think you would be good at it and enjoy it, then go try it out! 

There are many ways to find out what’s available in our school you just have to be actively looking. A good way to check out what’s going on is to check the homeroom bulletins, posters around the school, the Ewing High School website, and actually listen to the announcements.

Upcoming freshmen also have another resource to find out things going on. You can talk to your peer leaders about activities they may be involved in or recommend because you may not have even known that club was an option. Peer leaders are a great resource for finding more and more information on Ewing High School. 

There are so many clubs and so many sports to try. For sports, there are football, golf, baseball, softball, soccer (boys and girls), basketball (girls and boys), lacrosse (boys and girls), track and field, and more. Clubs include a dance team (not yet considered a sport at EHS), Black Student Alliance, yarn works club, robotics team, film club, newspaper club, and more. 

Don’t just stick to what you’re good at either! You should try different clubs that pique your interest and don’t be afraid to face judgment in clubs. Try to remember that everyone in the club has the same passion you do or are trying something new!

By joining different clubs you open yourself up to more opportunities and you can find new friends that enjoy the same things that you do. You also open yourself up to new experiences and to having closer bonds with your teachers that can help you throughout your time in high school.

Joining clubs can also help you when filling out college applications because it shows that you’re involved, and if you stick to the club for a couple of years then it shows you can stay committed to something.