PRIDE MONTH! Local Events to celebrate PRIDE!


Kick off PRIDE month right here at EHS. Join friends in support of the LGBTQ community!

Bianca Joseph, class of 2025, contributor

You already know what month is here: PRIDE MONTH, where we celebrate ourselves and let our voices be heard. Let people see that you don’t have to be straight to be loved and accepted and show people that they don’t have to be afraid.

Be who you are, it is our month and it is time to be proud- don’t let anyone discourage you, you are happy and that’s all that matters.

Who does pride month celebrate well pride month celebrates the “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) social and self acceptance, achievements, legal rights, and pride.” That’s not all pride celebrates it also celebrates you and that’s the most important thing of all.

Lets break pride up PRIDE-Personal Rights in Defense and Education
Pride Month started in 1994 June is the month of pride and October 11 is national coming out day.

Let’s talk about the fun parts of pride month- what are some of the events you don’t want to miss out on:
Pride on the beach- this event will take place Long Island NY Sunday Jun 12 this event celebrates pride month but on the beach- so come be who you are and have fun!

If you love fashion and want to come with your best fashion and watch so pride fashion come to Pride at Peak on Saturday June 4th from 11am to 2pm at 105 S Center St, Merchantville, NJ 08109. For more information here’s their website

If you love to celebrate and have fun come to the North Jersey pride festival being held June 12, 12-6pm 580 Valley St, Maplewood, NJ 07040. This festival will have activities, snacks, shows and more. They even have a kids section and are family friendly so don’t worry if you are interested you can find more information at

There are so many more activities and events you wouldn’t want to miss out on this pride month so if you would like to view more events going on here is the link;events&rciv=evn&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJ5ZPTmPb3AhXrlOAKHeycBioQ8eoFKAJ6BAgJEA8&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ_e1zHvtrZpeVKSRaFWucQ01u3Ww:1653328507636&safe=active&ssui=on#htivrt=events&htidocid=L2F1dGhvcml0eS9ob3Jpem9uL2NsdXN0ZXJlZF9ldmVudC8yMDIyLTA2LTAyfDI0OTkzNzM3MTQzODc1MDIzODk%3D&fpstate=tldetail

What’s going on in our school during pride month well EWING HIGH SCHOOL will be a PRIDE event held in the parking lot by the baseball field. There will be games and activities for students. There will be a $5 entrance fee.

Have fun this coming month make the most of it, don’t be haters be uprisers and support cuz pride isn’t just for lgbtq+ people it’s also for you!