Students Mental Health Declining and Schools Aren’t Doing Much About it

So many students and youth go unnoticed when they are struggling with mental health issues.
March 3, 2022
Around 1 in 5 people under the age of 18 suffer from mental health issues. According to around 80% of students aren’t receiving the help they need from schools.
“Assyst and Guidance have helped me calm down in the moment if I feel very anxious, but long-term I feel like school fails to to notice a lot of problems going on with both students and staff.” Teagan Walker, EHS class of 2025, states.
Almost 50% of students tend to feel an immense amount of stress from homework and other schoolwork shown in an NYU survey conducted in 2015.
“Last year and throughout most of middle school, I always felt burnt out from the workload and then would turn in work late.” Walker continued.
Often times students see teachers and staff more then they see some of their family. Although not required teachers and staff should work on making the school a better environment for the mental well-being for all.
Most school counselors go under training and can attend workshops so that they are more prepared to help students and have a better understanding on how to do it.
ASSYST offers different tools at outlets for students. Every Wednesday they offer Wind-Down Wednesday during lunch which helps students distress. Although these outlets have helped students there still isn’t enough awareness within schools.
“School should be more involved by making more teachers aware of ASSYST.” a staff member suggested. Along with informing more teachers it would also be helpful for the school to make announcements about the different outlets our school has to offer.
The school board should not brush off ideas that either support bringing more attention to students mental health or raising awareness for the staff and students. Students want their well- being and mental health not to be a second thought in the school, it should be the district’s top priority.
Kevin H. • Mar 4, 2022 at 3:09 pm
I liked it and agree. Nice Job you crushed it