Addressing Racial Injustice

In light of ongoing protests, this piece serves as a glimpse into the voices of Ewing High School.

There is no right reason for Ewing’s Voice to stay silent during a period of national unrest. Sparked by the murder of George Floyd, the United States has begun protesting to demand justice- for decades of police brutality targeted specifically against Black Americans.

Ewing’s community is diverse, and many issues in everyday politics are incredibly personal to our peers. As the author of this piece I would rather use the platform to amplify voices other than my own, but I wish to first add an argument I heard recently when trying to educate myself: Black activists have had to figure out “what to do” for centuries. If we keep waiting for the “right opportunity” to show itself to us before taking action (as white people are often guilty of, I admit to it myself), nothing will get done. If you think of a way to help, do it. It’s worth it.

That being said, I intended for this space to be used by my peers. Here’s what they had to say:

Please note submission process was open to all students regardless of political ideology. No submissions gathered were rejected, though this does not guarantee all Ewing students share political beliefs. Any volunteers are featured here. All names are written as initials to ensure safety of Ewing students.  

“I was thinking about how even on my way here ten different people asked me “Are you really going to go?” But aren’t we really being systematically oppressed? Are we really allowing the color of our skin to just- Op, I’m a target? Are we really allowing those things to happen in our community? So, yes- I’m going to come, and I’m going to speak out. Some even say “Oh, you have to let your faith take you and let everything be okay”- but faith without work is dead! If you want me to believe whatever you believe, I’ve got to come out here and I’ve got to work! I have to be careful of what neighborhood I drive through because I just might be the next one. I have to be careful even if I park at my own place of living because I just might be the next one. So don’t let nobody stop you from coming out and speaking, don’t let nobody stop you from coming out and speaking your truth, don’t let nobody stop you from advocating for your freedom, because guess what? We had a lot of young people come out here today- you know why? Because this is our life! This is our life you’re advocating for! This is our life which we are striving each and every day for. This is our life. So yes, I’m really coming, and you know what? Anyone who has anything to say against it, that’s their personal problem. I’m here to advocate for my own life, and you ain’t got nothing to do with it.”

-Y.C, transcribed speech

“It’s really terrible that the citizens of other countries care more about justice than the president of the United States. They are protesting in other nations, doing a lot more than our own president. If that doesn’t show you how messed up America is right now, I don’t know that will.

Protestors are getting tear gassed, physically beat and shot with rubber bullets, and the president of the United States said “when the looting starts the shooting starts.” This is unbelievable to me. We need a leader right now, one who empathizes with the people. We need a leader who looks as the corrupt system of policing (and yes, police subculture corrupts all police). We need to figure out ways to make it better. Protestors and rioters are begging for change and we still don’t see any. Every state has had protests and the government is hardly listening. Police departments still aren’t listening. White people who refuse to check their privilege aren’t listening.

Humanity needs to stick together for human good and human progress. Why are we still arguing how much value a black person’s life holds?”


“While I think that the riots in Trenton were pointless because the vast majority of businesses there are black owned, going after billion dollar corporations makes just as much of a statement as burning down a police station. America has proven time and time again that capitalism is placed at a higher value than black lives, rights, and liberties. MLK said “riots are the language of the unheard”; it’s literally impossible to say that the looting and destruction of property in places where the police are meeting peaceful protests with mace and brutality is not justified. You cannot say that the police and billion dollar businesses have the right to get mad, and that those who have been oppressed and silenced for centuries need to stay calm and follow the laws that have betrayed them.”



“I went to my first large scale protest. I thought that signing petitions, donating, etc was enough, but here I learned that no action will ever be enough until change is made. We live in a society where Black people are looked down upon. This is the second wave Civil Rights Movement. We need to act. Protest. March. Post. Donate. Do everything in our power as civilians to dismantle racist and unjust systems that have the power in this country. These days, more and more racism in our community is being brought into light. Right now, the good is being differentiated from the bad. People for the movement and people against it. If you think this has nothing to do with you, you are simply becoming compilant with a system. You think that the government cares about you? The police? You’re just one bootlicker in a sea of thousands of likeminded, hateful people. Take a stand or get out of the way.”


Useful resources:

Donations, Petitions, Voting, Info: 

BLM Resources Doc:

NJ Resources (for educating and acting):