Fanfiction consists of stories written by fans based on existing works of fiction. You can likely find fanficts about anything, whether it’s a show, movie, or book. The younger generation primarily writes it, but it’s important to note that many adults also contribute, making it quite common. Fanfic readers recommend AO3 as a fantastic platform for reading fanfiction, and it’s also a good option if you’re just starting to explore this genre.
A friend of mutual interest told me, “I think fanfiction is a great way to discover personalized stories based on the fandoms you enjoy.” Reading fanfics offers people a chance to continue finished stories. You can join communities filled with individuals who share similar interests and find your group.
Ao3 is one of the biggest fanfiction websites. On the website, you can set your preferences, and the tags make your search a lot easier. The reason why this website is so popular is because it doesn’t matter if you are a writer or reader there is something on there for you. There are other websites like, but Ao3 is the most advanced.
A 9th grader who dabbles in fanfiction but has friends with many different opinions stated, “Because nowadays people in the younger generation glorify the sexual side of things instead of the creativity.” Explicit content is now normalized in books, so the only question is why people think fanfiction is filled with this content and nothing else. This mindset has been around for a while and needs to be corrected.
Fanfiction has been misunderstood for far too long. Many people view it as mere copywriting or a means for fans to sexualize characters, but that’s not its essence. It serves as a platform for individuals to express their feelings, suggest additions or changes, and explore alternative endings. Everyone has their preferences; thus, I could argue that many romance novels contain elements that are more sexualized and romanticized than certain fanfictions, which might shock some readers, but active readers know this is simply a fact.
Despite what people say, writing fanfiction is not copywriting. You are using your creativity to change the story. Your inspiration, whether it’s a movie or book, is already a structure for what you want to write, which can be really helpful for new writers. It is important to never sell fanfiction and always give the creator or author credit.
@urfavprongskinne is a tiktoker who posts about fanfiction in one of her videos from 2024; she stated:” I’ve read fanfiction that is 100 times better than some books that are trending on book took, fanfics that are beautifully written, that are so long they could be turned into whole series, that leave me contemplating life for 3 weeks straight and some that even changed my and some still not reading a book?”. There are many posts similar to hers, as many people share the thought that fanfiction is just as important as any book you could find in a library.
Fanfiction is an important part of literature, even if people say they’resaythey’rer not books or corny. Everyone should be more open-minded and step out of their comfort zone because they are missing life-changing pieces of literature. So give it a try, and you might find something just for you.