In life things will be hard, rough and somewhat difficult for us to bear on our own. But that is why positivity has such profound significance in changing in our lives, and giving us hope for the better.
To understand what it means to be positive and to allow nourishing words of encouragement to manifest your own reality is essential when you develop a growth mindset. Throughout my life, fitting in with other crowds just to seek the validation of others was a loss of self-respect. Sometimes the people we hang around with can influence our own actions and words, either if it hurts others or strengthens them.
But by acknowledging the potency of your words and using them carefully you can make comments and suggestions fully aware of the feelings of the people around you when you speak. Fitting in just to mask who I really was for a social identity was fine, but at what cost?
As I matured and grew I started to understand what I am capable of giving to the world. It’s not just your words that matter at the end of the day but how you react to certain situations and struggles all together. How you respond, act, and think says more about who you are as an individual.
Yes, life will show us hardships and battles that we know we can’t face alone. But believing in yourself and getting up each day not knowing what life will show you is an example of the most powerful trait, confidence.
Look at the mirror… No seriously look at yourself! You have a gift, a special one that can change the lives of others if you believe you are capable of doing such! According to the information from the Mayo Clinic having positive or negative thoughts can affect your physical well-being.
Certain habits that lower a more fruitful outlook in life include the following (according to the Mayo Clinic):
Filtering: Looking for negative things about a certain situation, and believing the whole situation itself is negative. Blurting out something positive, or disregarding the good things.
Personalizing: The belief you are the ultimate cause of a certain situation. Having a negative outlook on yourself.
Blaming: Holding no sense of accountability, and believing that somebody is the cause of your life.
The list goes on and on but you get the message. But what I want to say to you lastly is…To never give up. Don’t ever lose hope, or even believe that you aren’t capable of making it to the other side. Despite what life may throw at you always strive to rise up, and see yourself as a champion, born to win and conquer.
You are worth everything, and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong and miserable with who they are themselves. Wake up each morning with positive remakes, full of belief and confidence in all that you do in this life. I acknowledge you as a human being with so much potential and gifts to share with the world, but in order to see that you must believe in yourself!
Positivity is a superpower that anyone can have. But what is special about it is the significance it has in changing your life. It can change your perception of how you look at life, and it can surely make you into a happier person. You are able to do things you didn’t even know you are capable of doing, and that proves furthermore of the worth that resides within you. Don’t ever change who you are meant to be…always believe.