That school may very well be the one you’re currently attending. On November 2 and 3, Ewing High School will be filled with all sorts of terror as the EHS Drama Program puts on their annual Haunted Halls production. If you’re not ready to have your Halloween spirit re-enter the grave just yet, this is an event you won’t want to miss.
Every year, the Ewing Blue Devil Players do a production of Haunted Halls, which turns the school into a haunted house for one or two nights. The theme and script change every year, as do the students who write and direct it, and this year, Juniors James Gummel and Collin Rutkowski have decided on a cult theme. Those who enter for tours are made investigators by the police force, sent in to discover everything they can about the cult and their operations inside of the school. With assistance from their ever-knowledgeable tour guides, they’ll witness rituals and meet important members of the cult who both provide the groups with information about their institution and create problems for them down the road, all while encountering various rogue cultists and captives strewn about the tour route.
If you’re looking for a fun (or terrifying) night with friends and family, you’ll definitely want to check out Haunted Halls. Guests from other schools may attend Haunted Halls. Tours will start between 6:00 and 6:30 and run through 9:00, and tickets cost $7 for students and $10 for adults. As you travel through our halls, though, do be warned; there is a chance that you yourself may become the cult’s next victim.